Hot on the tales of seeing Watchmen and Star Trek, the director/actor/producer extraorinare Kevin Smith confirmed yesterday that he has seen a cut of Peter Jackson and Guillermo del Toro's The Hobbit.

Speaking of del Toro's directing Kevin said, "to say that it was masterfully done would be a gross understatement. This is the film of the fucking century. Somewhere J.R.R. Tolkien just blew a load in his grave!"

Smith had this to say about his early viewing of the film:

"You know, it just goes to show that great films really make themselves. Even though the script hasn't been written and the thing doesn't even launch for three more years, it's already a masterpiece. It's just a shame that hollywood has to operate on such bullshit bloated production schedules you know? Just let the people see the goddamn movie already!"

UPDATE: Mr. Smith has since been hospitalized after suffering a major stroke. Doctors report discovering an inoperable brain tumor and his family has confirmed that he's been suffering severe hallucinations for weeks.