The Warner's Bros. adaptation of the critically acclaimed Alan Moore graphic novel may be the greatest movie that no one gets to see. Ok, I might be a little over dramatic but due to what is shaping up into a lengthy legal battle; the release date for this superhero epic is now TBA. Warner's Bros. ran into a legal roadblock well into post-production and is now fighting tooth and nail with Fox's legal department over the rights to the film. Fox is seeking an injunction on the films release citing claims of ownership. Apparently Watchmen producer Lawrence Gordon shopped the film around to other studios with the consent of Fox. Now that filming is complete, a trailer has been released, and millions of fans are very excited Fox seems to want its script back. With legal proceedings not set until next June (if Fox gets their way) or next April (if Warner's gets their way) I am afraid I will be taking my kids to this movie (who won't be born for quite some time). We can all hope that this matter gets resolved quickly and quietly, but I am afraid the March 6, 2009 release date may have just turned into more of a pipe dream. Hopefully this trailer will help hold you over.

+/- Watchmen Trailer

CLARIFICATION: The dude at the end of the trailer is not me and has nothing to do with this blog.